Holography and quantum gravity
It is well-known that gravity and quantum mechanics are difficult to reconcile with one another. Nevertheless in certain controlled conditions, thanks to holography, we have a detailed technical framework allowing us to investigate quantum effects in a theory of gravity. I am interested in using holographic duality to investigate the physics of black holes and gravity more widely. Currently I am focusing on lower-dimensional toy models, such as three-dimensional gravity (two-dimensional CFT) and even two-dimensional gravity (SYK model and related theories) in order to understand formation and time evolution of black holes.
This line of work draws from many sources, but the unifying idea is the study of thermalisation in many-body quantum physics, for example in critical systems or many-body quantum mechanics. For more information, see the following publications and talks
This line of work draws from many sources, but the unifying idea is the study of thermalisation in many-body quantum physics, for example in critical systems or many-body quantum mechanics. For more information, see the following publications and talks
- Formation of black holes in two-dimensional CFT [JHEP (2016)]: abstract
- From Conformal Blocks to Path Integrals in the Bulk [JHEP (2017)]: abstract
- Entanglement Dynamics and Black Hole collapse:
talk at Simons Center - Quantum speed limits and the spectral form factor [PRD (2017)]: abstract
- Eigenstate thermalisation in the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model [preprint (2017)]: abstract