On this page you may find a collection of lecture notes and presentation slides for various courses I have taught or am teaching. Some of these resources are available in French only, some in English only. Please send any comments about content or typos to me.
Quantum Mechanics II (mécanique quantique II)
Course Webpage (moodle) Videos of lectures (French) This is a third-year undergraduate course on quantum mechanics, the second in the undergraduate sequence at the University of Geneva. Topics include a reminder of the basic rules and postulates before we go on to a general discussion of symmetries, the theory of spin and angular momentum, approximation methods (stationary and time-dependent perturbation theory, WKB, etc. ), identical particles, applications to atomic physics, and a treatment of scattering theory. We will finish with a selection of some advanced topics, such as path integrals, open quantum systems, density matrices, decoherence and a discussion of quantum foundations (time permitting). Topics in Gravity (graduate course in English)
Course Webpage (Moodle)
In this course we study aspects of quantum gravity in asymptotically flat space, as well as asymptotically anti de Sitter space. We build up effective theories for helicity one and two fields, understand gauge redundancy, study the Weinberg Witten theorem and introduce the AdS/CFT correspondence as an example of a UV complete non-perturbative formulation of quantum gravity. Scans of my handwritten notes are available on Moodle (Unige internal) to students coming to class. Videos of the lectures can be found either on mediaserver or on the SwissMAP collaboration Youtube channel. |
Electrodynamique II (French and English)
Course Webpage
This course studies the structure and phenomenology of Maxwell's equations and includes a treatment of the theory of special relativity. These notes arose from a course given to second-year physics students at the University of Geneva in 2016 and 2017. |
Solvay Lectures on Holography (CERN 2016)
Course Webpage
Graduate level course on advanced aspects of holography. Emphasis on real-time formalism and non-equilibrium physics. |