Quantum GravityHolography gives us the opportunity to study a nonperturbative theory of quantum gravity by considering the right kind of 'dual' questions in a conformal field theory. We exploit this fact in order to understand, for example, information loss in black hole physics.
Quantum simulation and holographyWith the advent of rather simple theories that are believed to have a holographic dual it has become possible to strive for laboratory relations of such physical systems. I am particularly interested in using quantum simulation platforms to achieve this aim.
NonequilibriumWhen physical systems are far from equilibrium, familiar concepts break down and novel phenomena arise. We study non-equilibrium physics using holographic duality, which is hard-wired to address real-time questions.
EntanglementQuantum systems can have non-classical correlations, the simplest illustration being the EPR-Bell states. We characterize their generalizations in field theories in order to shed light on how entanglement provides the glue of gravity.
Top down AdS/CMTHolographic strong correlation models are most controlled when embedded directly into string theory. This involves finding compactification geometries giving rise to AdS vacua with the right operator spectra and investigating their properties.